Ultramarine Purpose Healing Lapis Lazuli and Sodalite

Ultramarine Purpose Healing Lapis Lazuli and Sodalite
Lapis Lazuli and Sodalite Gemstone Waistbeads for Self Awareness and Self Esteem
Know yourself and be empowered!
Accept yourself and be undefeated!
These beautiful ultramarine blue waistbeads feature Lapis Lazuli , a gemstone that is said to help us go deep within our spirits to awaken our true destiny and divine purpose.
Lapis Lazuli is worn to provide an awareness of one’s motivation and beliefs and a clearer perspective of one’s life. It reveals inner truth and honesty of the spirit; it promotes self-awareness so you can know yourself and be empowered. It generates self-acceptance so you can accept yourself and be undefeated.
Lapis Lazuli helps us bring inner truth outward and helps us deal with others in an honest, compassionate, and upright manner. It reveals opportunities for utilizing one's gifts and abilities to nurture and bring harmony to relationships.
Lapis is also used to stimulate the desire for knowledge, truth and understanding, aid the process of learning, and enhance memory.
These gorgeous healing waistbeads also feature round Sodalite beads. Sodalite also helps us know ourselves on a deeper level, giving us a renewed sense of confidence and self-esteem.
This set is secured using high quality beading wire for strength and durability and is finished with a sterling silver clasp set.
This strand can be worn under your clothes to enhance your personal sense of beauty and femininity, slightly exposed when paired with low-waist pants or crop tops, over your clothes like a belt or draped ornament, or fully exposed with a bathing suit at the beach or in a swimming pool setting. Some queens like to adorn their upper midsection and wear their belly beads above the belly button, while others prefer to position their beads just above their hips below the navel. Feel free to own your look as you please and occasionally switch the style up!
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